Dr Blogs — Private Winchester GP

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In-clinic appointments may be booked by calling 01962 776010.

Subscribers may book in-clinic appointments via the SUBSCRIBERS ONLY link on this site

Could Testosterone be the missing link in your HRT regime?

The peri-menopausal and menopausal periods of a woman’s life bring about significant changes and often troublesome or even debilitating symptoms. Some of  these symptoms may be caused by falling Oestrogen levels. First line HRT treatments focus on restoring these levels, and for many women is very effective in managing symptoms. But if you feel that standard HRT is not quite hitting the spot, it might be time to consider whether another hormone, testosterone, could be the missing link in your management plan.


10 tips for a top nights sleep

10 tips for a top nights sleep

A good night’s sleep is a core pillar to everyone’s wellbeing. Of course, there are certain times of life when broken nights are pretty much an inevitability (we’re thinking young children!) But if an interrupted night has become the norm for you, try these 10 tips to get you back on to an even keel. We also give you the lowdown on sleeping pills!


Have you considered a seasonal approach to healthcare?

Have you considered a seasonal approach to healthcare?

It’s no secret that we Brits live by our weather! You could call it part of our national identity. So it’s no surprise that we also see some very strong seasonal trends in healthcare. It’s not just the illnesses that change with the weather; the way we manage our symptoms and how willing we are to make meaningful change has a natural ‘ebb and flow’. We recommend you flow with the seasons rather than fighting them!


How often should you consult your doctor?

How often should you consult your doctor?

Do you consider yourself a hypochondriac, or do you avoid the doctor ‘like the plague’? What is a ‘normal’ amount of doctor consultations to have per year? This is a question that lots of our patients consider and not least when they are thinking of starting one of our subscriptions. Will they really need 6 appointments in the year? This is the amount we include in a solo subscription)

Of course, in one sense this question is impossible to answer, because none of us has a crystal ball, but still there is ‘method in our madness’, so allow us to show you our workings.


Tick bites! What are the risks, how to avoid them, and what to do if you get bitten!

Tick bites! What are the risks, how to avoid them, and what to do if you get bitten!

In our humble opinion, one of the best things about living in Hampshire is the glorious countryside and countless ways in which we can all get out and enjoy it. However, as is so often the case, such privileges come with some drawbacks and we can certainly count the possibility of tick bites as one of them! Read on to find out what are the risks associated with tick bites, how to avoid them, and what to do if you get bitten!


5 Changes to watch out for as our loved ones age

5 Changes to watch out for as our loved ones age

We all want to look out for our relatives and ourselves as we age. But it’s not always obvious what changes we should accept as part of ‘growing old gracefully’ and what we should be more concerned about, and seek medical advice.

Read on, as Dr Catherine Frankum, General Practitioner with special interest in frailty, has shared her top 5 areas for potential risk and concern, to help you navigate this potentially confusing and sensitive topic.
