Wellness Screening & Cancer Screening
A holistic and proactive approach to wellbeing
Wellness Screening
Are you keen to get back on the front foot with your health and wellbeing, rather than waiting for things to go wrong?
Are you feeling generally below par, and keen to know if there is an underlying cause?
Have you reached a stage in life where you feel you can no longer take your health for granted?
Do you find yourself wasting time and emotional energy googling your symptoms, and worrying about what might be, rather than getting on with your life?
Are you keen to kick start a new chapter of better health, yet unsure where to begin?
Wellness Screening combines extensive blood tests and investigations with extended doctor time to give you a detailed overview of your wellbeing, and real clarity on how to optimise your health. For an even more in-depth screen for cancer, we recommend that you consider the Trucheck Intelli blood test in addition to our standard wellness screen (see below)
Wellness Screen with 40 minute doctor consultation: £570
Wellness Screen with 60 minute doctor consultation: £670
Wellness Screen with 80 minute doctor consultation: £770
Cutting edge Cancer Screening with Winchester GP
Trucheck Intelli Liquid biopsy test
WGP Co-Founder Gemma Willsher presents the Trucheck Intelli Cancer Screen
Winchester GP is proud to offer the Trucheck Intelli Cancer screening blood test.
Trucheck is a ‘next generation’ liquid biopsy test, looking directly for circulating cancer cells (CTCs) in asymptomatic individuals.
The Trucheck Intelli tests for 70 different types of early stage cancer, using a single blood draw.
Early detection of cancer, even before symptoms appear, can dramatically improve treatment outcomes and life expectancies.
For further information, pricing and to see a sample test report, simply request our free brochure or call our friendly reception team on 01962 776010 and we will be happy to advise.
To read our practice manager, Gemma’s personal account of taking the Trucheck Intelli Cancer screen, check out her blog post here!
For further information about Wellness Screening, please call our friendly team on 01962 776010, or use our contact form here.