Our Co-Founder Gemma, following Doctor’s Orders with her daily Vit D!
Ask an assembly of health professionals (i.e. doctors, dieticians, nutritionists, health coaches. Personal trainers etc….) about vitamin supplements in general and you are likely to get a wide range of responses:
As a client/patient over the years I have been told all of the following:
⛔ Emphatic No: It’s just a way of producing expensive wee- steer clear
🍏 You shouldn’t need them i.e. improve your diet so that you get all your nutrients
😃 Pragmatic: It’s better to get all of your nutrients from foods but you could take X, Y or Z as a kind of nutrient insurance policy
💊Emphatic Yes: *hands over a long list of supplements* and get ready to rattle!
BUT for those living in the UK and braving our long gloomy winters, there is one supplement that pretty much everyone agrees on - and that is Vitamin D.
As a species we shouldn’t struggle with producing enough Vitamin D ourselves … if we were out in the sunshine 🌞 all the time. But frankly talk of getting out in the sunshine sounds more like a cruel joke a lot of the time in the UK 🌧 and 1 in 5 of us is estimated to be deficient in Vitamin D.
Deficiency can contribute to, or be the root cause of a wide range of non-specific symptoms including low mood, fatigue, hair loss, joint pain… the kind of thing that can creep up on us over time, without us necessarily joining the dots.
That's why we include a blood test for your Vitamin D levels as just one of the broad range of tests in our Enhanced Wellness Screen.
So if you currently feel like you are combat crawling rather than bouncing in to spring, then one of our Enhanced Wellness screens, including the test for Vitamin D, could be great way to get to the bottom of your symptoms and get your mojo back!
Simply call our friendly reception team and we can get you booked in. :-)